Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

8 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself

The difference between a mediocre day and an awesome one can be as simple as allowing yourself to go into a vaguely catatonic state under a scalding-hot showerhead for a few minutes. We all owe ourselves the occasional pleasure.

James Franco Needs To Chill Out

I hate to use this word, as it pretty much no longer has any meaning in modern society, but he just seems like such an enormous hipster. Like, we get it, you’re unique and thoughtful and not some run-of-the-mill hot movie star.

Hey Jennifer Lawrence, Could We Be Best Friends Please?

I mean, don’t get me wrong — you’re beautiful. You’re just beautiful in a more approachable, realistic way. You’re beautiful in the way a random girl at the grocery store could be beautiful: arresting, sure, but not completely unbelievable.

Are You Worth Dating?

To say “I won’t date someone unless they are smart, kind, career-oriented, capable of compromise, and healthy” is far easier than to say “I won’t date someone until I am all of these things and more.”

7 Things About Love That Make No Sense

Basically, if you’re the couple that just stands on the sidewalk for extended periods of time and boops noses together in between makeout sessions and sweet nothings, you deserve to get breadcrumbs thrown at you.

We Should All Be Hopeless Romantics

If you’re the sort of person who sees the best in love, who wants to believe that things are going to work themselves out and end on an emotionally fulfilling high note, you are bound to be beaten up by the reality of life.

8 People You Need To Stop Thinking About

It is not your job to be the Manic Pixie Dream Homewrecker who swoops in and takes them away from a relationship you perceive as not as good as it could be with you.

It’s Okay To Be Lonely

There are going to be periods of loneliness, and everyone experiences them. Though the first response of those around us is often one of “oh, come on, you have so many friends,” there is no reason that we need to force that feeling of solitude away.

How To Kiss A Girl

Kiss her lightly. Understand just how many boys have kissed her too hard, too fast, too sloppily.

What Your Favorite Disney Princess Says About You

You are the girl that every girl asks “OMG WHAT PRODUCT DO YOU USE” when you post selfies on your blog. You have got the perfect combination of length, well-conditioned softness, and complete absence of ugly breakage or split ends.

29 Dates To Go On With Your Best Friend

Treat yourselves to a nice dinner out at a fancy place when one of you gets a Groupon for it. Order dishes made for two and laugh when the waiter and other diners look at you bizzarely.

8 Signs You Lost The Breakup

People keep telling you to join OKCupid. They tell you that there are other people out there for you, and that you broke up for a reason, and that you have to get back out there and try, or you’ll never fall in love again.

What Your Facebook Profile Says About You

Everyone hates you and your stupid relationship. Everyone secretly makes fun of your constant back-and-forth of “love u baby” on your respective timelines. Everyone is going to quietly rejoice when the two of you finally break up — and you will.

The Only Real Women Are ‘Natural’ Women

And yet, everywhere from the lyrics of One Direction songs to the judgmental commentary of bare-faced friends, the societal feelings about what it means to be a girl who changes her appearance are hard not to notice.