Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
24 Things We Should Be More Grateful For
The fact that travel is less expensive and more accessible than it has ever been, and you can even find people with whom to cross states and countries sharing only gas money.
Loving Yourself Isn’t Conceited
When you love someone, do you love them based on a small list of acceptable qualities that it is okay to embrace? Of course not, you love them for who they are, and have no shame in making them understand it.
10 Lessons Everyone Learns In Their 20s
If you’re in service, people will harangue you about when you’re planning on getting a “real job,” as though that isn’t somehow the most insulting thing a human being could say to you.
How To Forget Someone
Actively make lists in your mind of all the things you didn’t like about them when you were together. Force yourself to remember the fights, the inherent disagreements, the dragged-out silences which grew more irregularly punctuated with good times.
The Way I Am Around You
I tend to forget the minor work stress that was nagging at the back of my head all morning, following me around my commute or my lunch with a friend, whispering in my ear that I have so much left to do — with you, it is silent.
10 Things Everyone Should Have In Their Apartment
There are only so many bowls covered with flimsy plastic wrap you can fill your refrigerator with before you start to look like a meth head.
27 Ways To Make Someone’s Day Awesome
Send someone flowers who lives far away with a nice card reminding them how much you care. (This has a similar effect to black-tar heroin on mothers/mothers-in-law/grandmothers.)
The Different Types Of Love There Are
There are people whose love pours out in complicated, profound words. They could fill books on the way their partner looks when they just wake up, or how much they love spending time with their best friend.
Watch This Amazing Cover Of “Cups” From ‘Pitch Perfect’
Whether or not you’ve seen Pitch Perfect yet (and you definitely should), you may have seen an imitation or two floating around the internet of Anna Kendrick’s “Cups” scene, performing the song “You’re Gonna Miss Me.”
Why Does Everything Have To Involve Drinking?
It’s obvious why we love drinking so much. It enables us to be the person we can’t be while sober, to admit the things and make out with the people we wouldn’t be brave enough to approach otherwise.
5 Most Underrated Kid’s Movies Of All Time
This is one of those rare movies for which I will get legitimately angry at people who say they don’t like it, and will force people to sit down and watch it on the spot if they claim they haven’t.
28 Things That Are Better Than Sex
When you’re exhausted and just want to crash and not deal with anyone and you’ve got a big, fluffy, comfortable bed with fresh sheets and blankets all to yourself.
Why Does Flo Rida Still Exist?
It is music for 12-year-old boys who love Monster energy drink and googling the word “titties” in hopes of finding pictures of nude women’s breasts.
10 Reasons To Travel This Year
You can just leave for a day and go wander around a new city, taking everything in and being at peace with your own thoughts. You can take pictures or sit down in cafes and write about everything you see, and don’t have to be on anyone’s schedule.
Will You Still Love Me On Sunday?
Will you still be interested in all of the things I have to say, all of the coincidences we took as divine intervention last night when we were only so happy to tell each other how we feel?
22 Rules Everyone Should Live By
When you post something to your blog or profile, make sure you credit it from where it came from, or at least make it a click-through. Don’t just steal people’s work willy-nilly.
8 Signs Your Inner Child Is Winning
But then you pass by the candy aisle, and that voice in the back of your head which is like “What are you earning an actual salary for if not to be able to buy yourself giant bags of mini Reese’s cups at random?”
7 Places You Won’t Meet The Love Of Your Life
You should not be wearing a face full of makeup and worrying about what you look like when you’re there. You should not be consulting a doctor about getting your sweat glands snipped so as not to look like a human lawn sprinkler during the spin class with the cute guy two rows down.