Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
Sometimes You Just Want To Get Drunk
When these nights come along, you can’t fight them. I mean, technically you can stay home and sulk on the internet, but you know that you will end up hating yourself.
How To Find A Cute Boy To Love You Forever
Work relentlessly on your sexual technique, but don’t be all slutty and gross about it. Practice on a banana or something. A banana with a condom on it.
How We Let People Go
Perhaps in a very distant future, you will be able to pick and choose the memories you want to keep, but for a very long time, one memory will always bleed into another.
Call-Out Culture, Girl Hate, And Being A YouTube Celebrity: An Interview With Franchesca Ramsey
I mean, I got ripped to shreds because people were upset that I went on Anderson and they felt that I didn’t do a good job explaining microaggressions and racism.
8 Things That No One Warned Us About
It provides no closure, gives you nothing tangible to work on, and doesn’t even make for good bouts of self-loathing. You just have to kind of absorb the blow and accept that sometimes things don’t work out even though you did everything right, and there is nothing you can do about it.
23 Things That Only You Can Change
The amount of time you spend obsessing over your outfits in the mirror before you leave the door, and how many times you tell yourself that you look ugly/lumpy in everything you try on.
The People I Want To See Naked
We like pretty people, we like young people, we like able-bodied people, we like thin people, we like white people.
7 Life Makeovers You Need Right Now
Admit it, there is still at least a part of you that will leave clean, unfolded laundry on your couch/the end of your bed until it’s basically dirty again.
The Boys Who Will Lie To You
They will be angry. You will confront them, and they will hate it.
3 Reasons Why Being In A Relationship In Your 20s Is Easy
You can have any number of backgrounds, any number of degrees, and any degree of unpaid in your internship, and still find someone who loves you.
I Wish I Were A Man
The truth is simply that as a woman, people are predisposed to listening less. They come into the conversation with a host of notions about what your sex (something shared with over half of the world’s population, mind you) is supposed to say about you.
7 Social Situations Everyone Should Avoid
Unless you are starting the night swigging some Smirnoff from the bottle and announcing how you are just trying to get “white girl wasted” and “grind on some randos,” there is no way you’re going to have a good time.
How To Fall In Love With The Wrong Person
Be humiliated by them. Be out one night and get asked by a mutual acquaintance how long you have been together, only to be pre-empted by your lover saying, “Oh, we’re not.”
Tea People Vs Coffee People
Few things are more overrated for you than having an active social life. You see all the people who are constantly going out to these parties and bars and Roman orgies and you’re like “Really? Haven’t they heard of Dr. Who?”
8 Essential Qualities For A Best Friend
If you’re not making a lot of money, if you have a terrible breakup, if you get kicked out of your apartment for unforeseen circumstances — they still treat you like a good person, deserving of respect.
When You Are Always Waiting
People tell you all the time that you are impatient. And you know you are. You know that you are filled with nothing but desire, and are often incapable of understanding the great privilege that is being you in this very moment.
How To Lose A Girl In One Night
She is embarrassed. She gathers the sheets around her chest and laughs nervously. “Wow, we really got carried away last night,” she says, eager for reassurance. “Yeah,” you reply, “we did.”
8 Questions That Have No Right Answers
When you don’t love someone, you just don’t. And there is no way to soften that, or make it sound better, or provide any kind of runner-up consolation prize that isn’t a complete slap in the face.