Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
7 Stupid Questions We Need To Stop Asking
“Don’t you know that [insert junk food here] is bad for you?”
7 Beauty Routines That Prove Women Are The Stronger Sex
We have all gone for that teased look to get some of that fantastic volume that everyone loves so much, only to realize it turns your entire head into a bird’s nest of knots and pain and struggle for the next several days.
5 Things Men Should Start Doing Again
There are few things more depressing than seeing an entire generation of men who have perhaps one suit at best, and break it out only for weddings, funerals, and any other Extra Special Event that calls for an ill-fitting black travesty out of the recesses of some nightmarish Men’s Warehouse Polyester Emporium.
6 Foods That No One Is Allowed To Dislike
If you don’t “get” avocados, it’s time for you to be pushed off a cliff of some kind, because you are wasting valuable oxygen that the rest of us could be using to more efficiently consume avocados.
We Say That Feminism Supports All Choices, But We Know That’s Not True
Even if it is never fully verbalized, you can feel when you are the one who is going to be sniggered at. For some self-identified feminists, there is a clear definition of what women should be working towards. There is a kind of degradation that is to be avoided, whether that happens in the bank account or on the dance floor.
What Happens When Real Lesbians Watch Lesbian Porn
Though it comes as no surprise to nearly every woman on the planet that porn is not geared towards us whatsoever, it’s always nice to know that not just straight porn is as off-putting as it is unrealistic.
5 Embarrassing Things Everyone Does In The Shower
Bonus points if you actually use different voices/accents for the different people in the imaginary conversation. That is a prestigious level of shower insanity.
Women Don’t Wear Makeup To Impress Men
It is so much more simple to say, “Stop caring what a man thinks, ladies, you’re beautiful as you are,” than to address all of the myriad reasons why that likely doesn’t apply to her.
5 Emotions You Only Experience While Drunk
Soon, your honger — your hungry anger — will drive you to eat that Jumbo Slice and/or pack of nuggets as though it dishonored your family name and this is feudal China.
How To Win This Summer
Wear as little as you want. Don’t worry about having the perfect beach body, as such as thing could never exist, and your body is just fine at the beach as it is.
7 Things Women Will Always Have To Explain To Men
6. If we don’t orgasm, it’s not to spite you.
5 Unattractive Things Love Makes You Do
Your crush can sense your increasingly-frenetic desperation, and now has gone from the “They’re a cool friend, but I’m just not really interested in being romantically involved” stage to the “I cannot be alone in the same room with them, they’re going to harvest a lock of my body hair for witchcraft” stage.
7 Stupid Things People Will Say To You When You’re Unemployed
“Why don’t you just take an internship?”
7 Reasons Joffrey Baratheon Would Make The Perfect Husband
Aside from the errant tour around the city pretending not to be disgusted when you touch poor people, your job duties generally include being fabulously wealthy, eating grapes while in a reclined position, drinking wine out of T-Pain-esque gobelets, and giving orders to handmaidens in saucy backless gowns.
8 Signs You Are Actually A Cat
It’s magical. You are radiating your usual stink lines of reservation and judgment, when all of a sudden someone even passingly mention something that sounds like a food, and you transformed into a beauty pageant contestant.
The 6 Best Places To Meet Hot Guys
The Morning Commute Hottie is a quiet one, categorized only by his choice of newspaper for his daily read. Is he more of a Wall Street Journal bro, or a Village Voice stud? (Just kidding, no one with a job reads The Village Voice.)
7 Things We Shouldn’t Be Ashamed Of Anymore
People have cellulite, they have stretch marks, they have birthmarks, they have rolls and bumps and dimples and wrinkles. And those are all perfect bodies, because they do their job and work for us and let us cuddle with each other when we need to be held.
Before Someone Loves You, You Must Love Yourself
We often present the idea of relationships in terms of two halves coming together to make a whole. But I think a much more apt description would be a venn diagram: two complete circles overlapping and making something even more impressive in the middle.