Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
You’ve Been Washing Your Face Wrong Your Whole Life (And She Will Show You How To Do It Right)
As many of you know, I have skin problems (and have all my life), so one of my favorite activities is torturing myself on YouTube with tutorials on how to have perfect skin, by people who already have perfect skin.
Your 20s Aren’t An Excuse To Be A Hot, Selfish Mess
You know it. Everyone knows it. It’s the perpetually chaotic, I’m-in-a-committed-relationship-with-mozzarella-sticks-and-Netflix brand of extended adolescence, wherein all of us live on the constant verge of total financial and personal collapse because we keep eight dollars in our checking accounts and refuse to maintain our personal relationships because of our #IntrovertLifestyle.
6 Cringeworthy Male Habits That Girls Are Definitely Talking Behind Your Back About
This is tragic, yes, but what is more tragic is that it is not uncommon. Many a dude is walking around the world with untouchable confidence, sure that the horrifying sex moves he learned from porn are sure to get a girl screaming and running to tell her friends just how great it was.
13 Disturbing Things You Start Seeing On Facebook At 25
Young moms who only communicate in the form of sharing inspirational videos about rescue dogs and/or articles about how tough it is to be a mom that they tag all of their mom friends in and are like “Only you guys will get this tee hee!”
The 23 Cutest Outfits Ever On Sex And The City
I don’t really understand this coat or the pastel blue purse but somehow she looks adorable.
The Breakups We’re Not Allowed To Talk About
And we never talk about these breakups, because we don’t think of them in the same way. We don’t analyze the loss in our lives the same way.
An Ariana Grande Superfan’s Dad Reveals That She’s A Huge Bitch In Real Life
“Ariana turned to her security and ordered, ‘Make sure she deleted those.'”
31 People Describe The Weird Food They Love That Everyone Else Thinks Is Gross
Peanut butter & tomato sandwich. Get good tomatoes, and they’re better than jelly.
15 Staples Every Girly Girl Needs In Her Closet (For Under 30 Dollars!)
When you want to get your hair out of your face and look incredibly sweet and refined at the same, what better accessory is there than this headband? The answer is none. No accessories.
6 Things That Are Never Worth Spending Your Money On
I will always hate myself every second of the ride (and cringe at the charge when I eventually look at my account).
3 Dumb Things You Don’t Realize You’re Wasting Money On
This is all things “I don’t really need this but damn it feels good to have it.”
21 Women On The Creepiest Thing They’ve Ever Done When They Liked Someone
I once made an elaborate LinkedIn account that “worked in his industry,” amassed a decent amount of connections, then requested him so it wouldn’t seem like a scam. All of this because he didn’t use any other kind of social media and I wanted the dirt.
21 “Beautiful Girl Habits” Every Girl Should Adopt
When it comes to makeup, think in terms of “grooming/enhancing” and not “covering/changing.” We all have qualities that we can be playing up, and focusing on the basics (good skin, nice brows, lightly enhanced eyes/lips) just makes us a better version of ourselves (instead of someone else entirely).
21 Uncommon Romantic Gestures That Would Make Any Girl Melt
When she’s on her way home from a big day at work, text her to be like “I’m ordering takeout from [insert her favorite place here] and opening a bottle of wine. What would you like?”
17 People On The Healthy Routine That Changed Their Lives
“I make sure to eat one healthy meal at lunch so that, no matter what else happens that day, I get the good stuff in and I know I’ve fed my body in a way that will keep me going.”
13 Words That Have Completely Different Meanings In Your Mid-20s
The act of dating someone with whom you share all of the connections and markers of a relationship, but with whom you cannot commit in any way.
The Best Thing About Being A Woman Is Turning Down Nice Guys
And honestly, if I were an angry guy on the internet, I’d probably be salty as hell about it, too.
17 Signs You Had Way Too Many Feelings In 2004
Chances are high that, at least for a month, “Ohio Is For Lovers” was YOUR song.