Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
23 Signs You Are Still Not Over ‘Sex And The City’
You still sometimes see Roger Sterling as the politician who tried to pee on Carrie.
OMG Check Out This Trailer For ‘Mean Girls: The Reunion’
It is so beautiful.
9 Things Women Need To Be More Demanding Of In Relationships
Everyone deserves romance. Everyone deserves to feel special, and cared for, and deeply appreciated.
7 Terrible Situations That Everybody Puts Themselves In
Trying to be “friends” with an ex.
The 7 Things About You That A Good Person Will Notice
Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, and what that actually means.
Chelsea’s 23-Step Guide To Being More Happy Every Day
Keep fresh-cut flowers in your house at all times, even the cheapest little filler flowers that the florist sells. Take care of them and learn how to make them last as long as possible.
11 Science Fiction Inventions That Are Available Now
There is a device that is being clinically tested and it can detect cancer cells and snatch it up.
Why Everyone Should Go To Paris At Least Once
Paris is beautiful, but it’s always more beautiful for someone else.
19 Things You’re Not Allowed To Do In Your 20s
Admit that what you want most in life is to settle down with someone you love, have a family, and be surrounded by children and family and the people who care about you.
Watch This Guy Recite All Of ‘Mean Girls’ In Less Than 30 Minutes
You go, intern. You recite that movie super-fast.
40 People On The Greatest Thing They Learned About Life From The Internet
I grew up thinking I was stuck in my hometown and meant to grow into one of the limited jobs it had to offer. The Internet introduced me to people all over the world who picked up and changed their lives.
10 Rules For Never Being Broke In Your 20s
Because there is nothing more embarrassing than having to live a life on credit because you can’t actually afford to keep up your not-even-that-impressive appearances.
23 Life Lessons You Get From Being A Dog Owner
There is a reason why people react so harshly to crimes like dog fighting or animal negligence, and it is because we know that, no matter how badly that dog was mistreated, he still came back the next day with his tail wagging, hoping that he would be finally be loved by his master.
7 Rites Of Passage You Must Go Through Before You’re 30
If that love wasn’t enough to stand the test of time, what will be?
25 Reasons Being Single Makes You A Better Person
You don’t have to feel guilty about being the most important thing in your life.
23 Signs You Are Actually Daria Morgendorffer
You will always have a place in your heart for the boys who can play good music.
Male Actor Dresses As A Woman To Experience Sexual Harassment
If you still think street harassment is flattery, or that anyone should feel lucky to have it happen, you just might be a lost cause.
How To Be In Love In The Summer
By the time you realize it’s nearly August, everything has been a blur.