Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

21 Signs You’re Destined To Be A Soccer Mom

Regardless of whether or not anyone asked you to, you have within you an innate need to pack snacks for people and make sure that everyone is eating well. For any outing — movie theater, day at the park, road trip — you are well-prepared with your puppy chow, trail mix, or carrot sticks.

How The Internet Ruined Love

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that misery loves company, and that the choice to be critical or unsatisfied is immediately rewarded by likes, shares, and a general sense of “you’re one of us.”

21 Things You Should Force Yourself To Do Every Day

Putting more fruits and vegetables on your plate, and eating those first before treating yourself to the less-healthy things. Making the choice to eat better is often very simple, and only involves being more smart about what you put in front of you.

The 25 Scariest Things About Turning 25

Feeling the ever-growing chasm between the friends who have “careers” and the friends who have “jobs,” and wondering what side of it is even better to be on.

FAQ For Being A Successful Woman In Your 20s

There is nothing more simple, and yet we are often far too modest when it comes to what we’re capable of or what we have accomplished. Even when we’ve done things that we have every right to be proud of, we’re inclined to couch things in disclaimers or to dismiss it entirely.

17 Things You’ve Been Mistaking For Love

Finally getting attention from someone you perceive to be much more attractive, popular, or worthy than you. Feeling like you are honored just by getting a bit of their time, and not really caring how reciprocated the emotions are.