Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

24 Rules For Being A True Gentleman

Always text back promptly, even if it’s to let someone down gently. The worst thing you can possibly to do someone is leave them hanging so they can torture themselves with worst case scenarios.

Never Convince Anyone That They Should Love You

So many of my relationships in life — when I was more insecure, when I didn’t like myself, when I didn’t think I deserved much — have been about proving, over and over again, that I am okay.

What Men Want In A Woman

One should never look like they’re trying too hard, especially not when they’re in the midst of trying so hard they’re giving themselves an ulcer.

21 Pretentious Things That Only Single People Do

Regularly discussing all the things they want to do before they get with someone, such as travel or write a novel, because — as we all know — the freedom to enjoy oneself and explore life withers and dies the second you change that Facebook profile to “In A Relationship.”

19 Truths About Boyfriends

Learn to accept the presence of tiny, gross face hairs sprinkled around your bathroom sink and counter. The boyfriend is offering them as a gift.

23 Confessions Of A Former Abercrombie And Fitch Employee

Most employees made their real income by stealing items and re-selling them on eBay. Some stole for personal use, usually the younger employees who were just there as a student job and therefore didn’t need the money as badly, but everyone stole.

21 Things You Should Get Over So You Can Move On With Life

That one stupid thing you said two years ago that has somehow become your favorite subject with which to torture yourself while trying to fall asleep. No one remembers it but you, no one cares, and you’re wasting your time over an imaginary problem.

23 Things That Remind Me Of You

When something really, really funny happens, and I immediately turn around to look at you with that “Oh my god, what??” face, even when you’re not there.