Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

7 Things I Learned From A Year Of Overconfidence

I have found that 90 percent of the time, two things are happening. One, you are attributing to malice what is mostly just ignorance or forgetfulness. Two, people are generally pretty cool and want to make things right again.

24 Rules For Being A Lady In 2014

Do not assign moral value to food items, on your own plate or anyone else’s. A mozzarella stick is a mozzarella stick, and nothing more.

23 Truths About Being A Theatre Kid

Everyone knows when someone got new head shots done, because they post the 72 best outtakes on their Facebook page one by one, and then make the most flattering one their profile picture.

How To Break A Man’s Heart

I thought that a man crying was a rare and ugly thing, certainly nothing that I would encounter in my romantic life.