Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
21 People You Will Meet In A Washington, DC Bar
The 23-year-old PR intern named Cara with shiny hair who only wears J Crew, Club Monaco, and, when she’s slumming it, GAP.
21 Reasons Why George Clooney Is The Ultimate Silver Fox
The only woman who ever managed to put a ring on it is currently Roger Sterling’s wife, both in Mad Men and in real life. So he has good taste in spouses.
What The Things You Save Say About You
If we choose to see it, our own lives are surrounded by these kinds of choices. If we’re lucky, we have grandparents, who are taking with them important bits and pieces of history as they go.
16 New Rules For Tipping At Restaurants
Ask yourself “Do I think that the person taking care of me through my meal and making my experience a positive one deserves to earn a living wage?” Examine that answer.
23 Women On The Most Important Things They Learned After A Breakup
It’ll take more than a few mornings of waking up and feeling like you’re over it; it might actually take waking up without realizing there’s something to ‘get over.’
21 Men On The One Thing Their Girlfriends Always Got Wrong About Them
“My girlfriends always get really mad at me when I don’t text back right away. Most of the time I’m just sleeping.”
21 Things You Should Never Be Embarrassed About
How many likes and comments you get on social media. I don’t know when it became a contest to have every status about what you ate for lunch harvest 20 people’s positive commentary, but it doesn’t mean anything about you as a person.
23 Life Lessons You Get From Having An Italian Mother
“When are you getting married?” is not a question, it is a way of life.
The 9 Things You Must Eat When You’re In Maryland
Do you dream of a cake that is perfectly layered, that stays moist as hell and provides a satisfying cake-to-frosting ratio with each bite? Of course you do, that is the Ultimate Human Quest.
17 Restaurant Dishes With A Shockingly High Calorie Count (Even For America)
Can we just agree to kick chicken caesar salad out of the “healthy food club” once and for all? We all know that it’s not a positive nutritional choice, let’s give up the charade.
11 Original Viral Youtube Videos You Probably Forgot About
What may be most easy to forget about this classic is just how INSANELY popular it was. It has 650 million views. 650. Million. Views.
7 Awesome Things Women Shouldn’t Feel Bad About Enjoying
Some women just love the hell out of baking pies from scratch and blowing raspberries on babies’ bellies and even cleaning up the kitchen until it sparkles. And this doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong or backwards or damaging about their existence.
23 Everyday Things That We Could All Be Doing Better
Posting pictures of yourself when you look happy, and not when you look flawless.
25 People On The One Thing They Wish They Knew At 25
“You’re never going to be perfectly happy in a relationship, but you shouldn’t expect to be, especially at that age. There’s too much change that creates natural tension at that point in your life.”
21 Signs You And Your BFF Are The Married Couple Of Your Friend Group
The two of you have stayed home from important social outings before to have “a quiet night at home” which mostly consisted of browsing the internet for funny videos together and maybe finishing a bottle of wine.
7 Beauty Routines That Sabotage Your Appearance
Now, let’s get one thing straight right away. I don’t think that everyone needs to engage in beauty routines, people are just as good and worthy and human with makeup and hair done as without it.
Why Do We Still Care About Getting Married?
I know very few people who have a lot of financial freedom, or who are even well-established in their careers, and yet, there they go. Getting married. Somehow paying for a wedding.
23 People On The One Thing They Wish They Had Said To Their Ex
“I should have told him right then and there that it was over, but I dragged it out for four more months.”