20 Things To Do While Waiting For The Les Miserables Movie

Think about the casting choice for Cosette, but then remember that that whole role is kind of lame and, meh, Amanda Seyfried isn't too offensive.


1. Re-watch the majesty that is the 10th Anniversary Concert for the 2309583239875325th time.

2. Cackle with joy every time Colm Wilkinson makes that weird yelping sound when hitting a really high note.

3. Watch the 25th Anniversary Concert and try not to get all bitchy and judgy over how not-living-up-to-the-first-concert it is. Get especially sad when you listen to Nick Jonas.

4. Be extremely excited about the fact that Hollywood didn’t do the Hollywood thing for once and cast someone other than Nick Jonas to play Marius.

5. Think about how hot Enjolras always is.

6. Work yourself into tears over how perfect Lea Salonga is and how, no matter how much you want to like the new girl, she will never quite have that special Lea something.

7. Feign shock at the fact that Helena Bonham Carter got cast as Madame Thenardier. (Whaaaat?!?!? A scraggly, foul-mouthed Cockney woman with crazy hair and raggedy Victorian-era dresses and corsets??!?! WHAT A STRANGE CASTING CHOICE!!!11″)

8. Watch this video of Joey Potter painfully singing “On My Own” and think of every middle-school performance you’ve ever attended:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knpRITAQJRA&w=584&h=375%5D

9. Try to convince all of your non-theater-loving friends that it is GOING TO BE AMAZING and they TOTALLY HAVE TO GO SEE IT while they remain completely disinterested.

10. Fail to understand exactly what about Susan Boyle’s version of “I Dreamed A Dream” was so incredibly impressive, and wonder why none of the millions of people who loved her never really got into seeing a version of that song by, for example, Ruthie Henshall.

11. Be reluctantly moved by Anne Hathaway’s performance in the trailer.

12. Laugh at Russell Crowe a little bit.

13. Remember the first time you heard “One Day More” and you were like, holy shit, I didn’t know songs could attain this level.

14. Consider dressing up for the premiere, even though you know you would look absolutely ridiculous doing so.

15. Think about the casting choice for Cosette, but then remember that that whole role is kind of lame and, meh, Amanda Seyfried isn’t too offensive.

16. Watch the trailer yet again.

17. Be impressed that all of the singing is being done live for the film, even though you’re not sure if your brain fully believes it when you see it.

18. Talk for hours on end with your theater nerd friends about how excited you all are and feel a bit relieved that you are not alone in your crazy.

19. Watch this incredible of Valijeans from every country singing together.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPpkTgMbhRU&w=584&h=375%5D

20. Cry. Thought Catalog Logo Mark


image – Les Miserables