Chayla Reichel
I am a peanut butter connoisseur
Articles by
Chayla Reichel
6 Telltale Signs You’re Not Young Anymore And You’re Definitely Getting Old
You are still unsure of what you want to be when you grow up… But… You are grown up… Well, sort of?
3 Important Reasons You Need To Find Yourself, By Yourself
Many of us are afraid to be alone. Why? So many constantly feel they “need” to be with someone and hop from one relationship to the next
6 Things Only People Who Suffer From Wanderlust Will Understand
5. You are social media’s worst nightmare.
5 Depressing Truths About Being In Your Mid-Twenties Not Everyone Will Tell You
I might only be on the brink of my “mid-twenties” but in honor of my 24th birthday only being a few short weeks away I thought it would be appropriate to discuss some of the unattractive things related to this age bracket.
5 Reasons Why Being A Nice Girl Blows
1. People take advantage of us.