We Stayed ‘Just Friends’ But I Care For You So, So Much More Than That

Joselito Briones
Joselito Briones

As I reflect on our past together, I begin to really wonder what it means when they call you “the one who got away.” To me, it is when we had a regular relationship. With that, came arguments, disagreements and hurt. But we also had smiles, laughter, us building up one another, and supporting each other.

We were a team. We had the same interests, we had the same goals, we had the same aspirations and we had the same visions for our lives. We could have built an empire up from the ground and stood tall above everything we encountered.

You are a bright, incredibly sweet man with a dash of sassy, bold, and confidence. You know exactly what you wanted to do and how to get your goals accomplished. You are the beautiful and kind model. You are insightful, kind, caring, and remarkable. Your personality is one-of-a-kind. You are stubborn (I prefer hard-headed), you do not veer from your decisions once they are made, you stay in your little bubble when you get angered, frustrated or sad and down.

I am a kind, sweet, charismatic and optimistic man who perseveres in the face of an obstacle. I knew how to keep your spirits up, I knew how to get you to quietly laugh with that subtle smile whenever you were sad. I knew how to change your attitude and mindset into a positive one when you were having difficulty with a situation. I always wanted to see you smile. If I ever was the cause of a frown upon your beautiful face, then I worked endlessly to make up for what I did and recapture that same mesmerizing smile that made me speechless; you most definitely deserve every happiness in the world.

So yes, our relationship had its ups and downs, as does every relationship. We took breaks from each other, we did not speak to one another for a few months and we sometimes clashed. But one aspect that set us apart from the rest is that we both ALWAYS knew that we would be there for one another through thick and thin, through rain or shine. We always found our way back to each other.

When you and I parted ways, we both knew the impact it would leave on us. I, still having feelings for you, and you still caring, you wanted to remain friends. You knew I highly was against the friend zone; I, however, made an exception to the rule. You and I became friends.

Being JUST friends with a guy you have strong feelings for is one difficult task, but you do it because you still CARE. One of my best friends once told me that, “Having him in your life as even just a friend is better than not having him (in it) at all.” But how does one be just friends with someone they have strong feelings for? It is impossible to do so, but I do it because I still care and respect him so incredibly much.

People tell me, “Oh you guys did not work out because you two are not compatible.” UH HELLO… We had feelings for one another and we both are so alike. We would have been an adorable, powerful, bold, confident and happy couple.

The one thing that made you go away, in my opinion, was bad timing. We would talk for a while, then take a break. We would reconnect and then, take a break. For a few years, this went on. It is NOT that we aren’t compatible — because WE ARE. Deep down, we both know we’re compatible. We just have not found the right time for us.

People tell me that we might have“grown apart” but that, too, is almost too silly to stand. Our dreams, goals, aspirations and visions for both our lives are basically identical. We did not grow apart; it just simply means it is not the right time. But the one day we ARE at the right time I will STILL be supportive and I will be here for YOU, patiently waiting to build OUR successful empire. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Chase Christensen

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