Charonda Edwards
I’m a diversity and motivational writer.
Articles by
Charonda Edwards
How To Become The Ally Society Needs Right Now
As more people become truly aware of the severity of race-related violence, structural racism, and victim silencing that still occurs in the United States, many people want to become part of movements that create change. I commend these individuals.
How Shadow Work Can Help You On Your Spiritual Journey
Shadow work is about discovering your own personality traits, beliefs, ideologies, healing mechanisms, and purpose.
10 Shady Job Recruitment Practices Every Job Hunter Should Be Aware Of
The last thing you need while searching for a job is to be railroaded by job recruiters or employers seeking to take advantage of you because you need gainful employment. Many job recruiters and employers use shady tactics to gain applicants who are losing hope and are willing to settle for any job that is offered to them.