34 People On The Most Embarrassing Text Message They’ve Sent To The Wrong Person

Accidentally saved my fathers number as my dealers number. Tried to buy weed from my dad.


Found on AskReddit.

1. Talking shit about a guy, to said guy.

“Why is Steve being such a cunt?”

Steve seemed to have his own ideas.

2. An anus text sent to mom.

“My anus is on fire dude, I can hardly walk…”

It took three months to convince my mother I wasn’t gay.

Never again will I eat burritos with my best friend.

3. Asked mom’s friend to be his girlfriend.

I was like 13.

“Hey name want to be my girlfriend?”

But I accidentally sent it to my friend’s mom.

She even called me: “You are so cute, but I’m afraid I love someone else”.