Grimes Deleted Most Of Her Tumblr

After Pitchfork excerpted large chunks of her best-of-2012 music list, she deleted it, saying, "my tumblr is not a news source."


Andrew Mager
Andrew Mager

Claire Boucher, aka famous-from-the-internet musician Grimes, deleted most of her tumblr today after Pitchfork excerpted large chunks of her best-of-2012 music list, saying her site is not a news source. After deleting the post and then all the other posts before it, Grimes made this post:

im out because i need some semblance of a normal life in order to be happy.

bye internet <3

A little after that, Grimes posted a screenshot of Pitchfork’s update to its story (“Grimes has deleted her entire tumblr”) with an anime gif and the message “haha im still on the internet.”

Looks like either Grimes is trolling Pitchfork or she is in denial about how the internet works. Or both. Thought Catalog Logo Mark