Watch Celebrities Read Mean Tweets About Themselves

"Did you know that if you skinned Larry King & ironed out his leather, you could make enough coats to give 1 to every poor child in America?"


The third installment of Jimmy Kimmel’s highly entertaining “Mean Tweets” segment aired last night, and you can see all three below. The concept is celebrities read aloud mean tweets directed at them. All are fairly good sports about it, although Zooey Deschanel responds to a tweet saying she’s overrated by saying she thinks she’s underrated.

A sampling, this directed at Jessica Biel: “my asian orthodontist says @jessicabiel has horse teeth.” Or this, about Larry King: “Did you know that if you skinned Larry King & ironed out his leather, you could make enough coats to give 1 to every poor child in America?” Yikes. Thought Catalog Logo Mark


