Get Out Of Your Own Way

A woman dressed in black is holding onto the entrance gate next to the signs.
Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

Sometimes, you don’t truly discover the depths of your own power until you’re given an opportunity that feels just a little bit out of your comfort zone. A knock at the door arrives and you say yes. You say yes because you’re reminded that these knocks are the spark-plugs that hold space for us to arrive again at the truth that we are truly powerful beyond measure. That we have individual gifts to power up and turn on and explore and grow from and share with the humans around us. That we have inhibitions and fears and doubts and shame to eradicate and to work through. And

the push/pull

the give/go

the yes/no

of this


is the wonder and joy of this beautiful messy magical thing we call life.

What if we decided right now, at this moment, that we are deeply, wholly, genuinely, and individually beautiful exactly as we are. In this state. In this way. In this body.

And that we didn’t come here to merely take up space and exist and play small and wait for weekends to live. That we came here to break down every little story that tells us we’re not enough, that we’re not capable, not worthy, not good enough, not strong enough. Every little thought that holds us back from believing in our own beauty and abilities and power and abundance and light. Every little thought that keeps us stuck, here. Not saying yes to things that we know have the ability to expand ourselves. Not saying yes to a life that we know we are born to live. To break these down and to truly begin to tap in, tune in, turn on to that magic and intuition that lives inside. And allowing this to guide us in seeing our own light within. Which burns brighter than we can possibly imagine. TC mark

About the author

Cass O’Neill

Wordsmith of love.

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