Cass O’Neill

Wordsmith of love.

Articles by
Cass O’Neill

What Matters The Most

What matters most? That we held every single human around us in the energy of compassion?

What If We Just Allowed The Story To Happen?

Each story has its own way of wanting to be worked out. Each story has its own way of unfolding. And the only problem lies in our attachment to how we thought the story was going to go. To how we thought the trail was going to look.

Fill Yourself Up With Your Own Love

Everything is either love or lack of love. Love or lack. And when there is that lack of love, we try to fill the void with shit we think will bring us that love.

Get Out Of Your Own Way

Sometimes, you don’t truly discover the depths of your own power until you’re given an opportunity that feels just a little bit out of your comfort zone.