Casey Imafidon

Casey Imafidon is a full time writer and has been featured on Inc, Elitedaily, Addicted2success and numerous other blogs.

6 Things That Are Standing In Your Way To Success

If you want to be successful, you have to discover your “Tribe” and use the strength they provide to not only identify but also embrace opportunities. You can only do great things when you have positive influence from the right crowd.

7 Career Goals To Get 2017 Started On A High

Yes there is nothing as ugly as being stuck to a dead-end job where there is no excitement or fun whether you’re self-employed or working for the man. It is sickening to live simply for the paycheck. Perhaps you need to shop for another job or even create one for yourself.

10 Signs You’re An Alpha Male And Can Conquer Any Woman

Alpha males are clear about their goals and desires. They know what they want and won’t follow the crowd. They don’t live their life on assumptions but through data and critical thinking they can create a path to achieving their goals.

10 Signs You’ve Actually Moved On From A Hurting Relationship

Yes you have learned a lesson or two. But you do not see everyone the same way you see that partner who hurt you. You can trust again. You know that the world should give you what you deserve. And yes trusting is a process that can make you take what is yours.