Casey E Bean

I have big hair and big dreams, a dog named Pickles, and plenty of great advice to give you that I probably won’t take myself.

Articles by
Casey E Bean

To Love Is To Be Vulnerable

To love another is a choice. It’s a choice you make every day to decide to continue loving, to deal with all their little quirks and flaws, in the same way you would want yours to be overlooked.

What Will People Remember About You?

I think the greatest way to start is to begin analyzing who you are looking up to yourself. Who is the model you currently compare your life to? Who inspires you?

Choose To See The Light On Your Darkest Days

You have the power to control how circumstances will change you and grow you. You can choose to let yourself sink with the negativity or instead rise up with courage and optimism.

Fall In Love With God First

Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and fall in love with Him first. He is the only one who can fully and completely love you, after all.