Carol Tudence

A sunshine loving soul aspiring to inspire others through her words.

Articles by
Carol Tudence

The Journey To Self-Love Is Not Easy, But It’s Worth It

Self-love is one of the most misunderstood concepts these days. Many people still think that loving yourself equates to treating yourself like you’re the center of the universe and acting like everything is about you, but that is not how it works.

To The Girl With A Turbulent Heart

I want you to see that you have more strength in you now more than ever. You should be proud for being able to pick yourself up after a few stumbles and for being brave enough to soldier on to begin anew.

Dear Future Self—You Will be Okay

You are a work in progress so take time to hone and better yourself. Prioritize your well-being and don’t forget that you will always have people in your corner to help you up when it’s harder to do things alone.