I Don’t Want Another Boyfriend, I Want A Partner For Life

couple looking lovingly at each other
God & Man

You are a wonderful partner that I never thought would ever come into my life. I find it surreal at times when I realize that you are a part of my life as I am a part of yours. Your kindness and warmth lured my heart in so effortlessly and soon I found myself entangled in the arms of a man whose embrace I never want to be free from. My love, you are an incredible partner, but you are also an amazing best friend.

I don’t want our story to have an ending, I want it to be a continuous cycle of new chapters of us together. Maybe it’s true that I’m asking for so much so quickly, but with you, that’s okay. I don’t have reservations about you, I only want you to continue opening the endless doors which I have kept locked for years until you reach the very core of my heart.

I don’t want a forever, I want a healthy, long-lasting relationship. I have to be able to stand you at your worst and congratulate you when you reach the top with hugs from behind and kisses on your nose. But my love, we both know that love and relationships aren’t easy. We’ve seen how complicated and tumultuous it can be with our own eyes, but I believe that together, we can weather any storm that comes our way.

You see, I don’t want to be another number in your list of girls you’ve dated.

I want to be the girl you date and never want to let go of.

However, I also know that I’m not easy to be with as your partner. Be my best friend too even if we’re already partners. I know I want to be yours! Let us have fun as best friends and be passionate as lovers all at the same time.

I don’t want you to give up on us so quickly. As best friends, I trust that we will continue supporting one another and as partners, I know that deep inside we won’t take each other for granted. When the going gets tough, I don’t want you to get going.. I want you to hang in there with me. Be the hand that caresses my back when I’m having a hard day and the arms whom I hug when I want to cry because my love, that’s what best friends and partners do.

I don’t want you to be just another boyfriend because deep inside I know that you are meant to be much more than that to me. Let’s be everything together and bind our ties sturdy enough because I know that we can get through anything as a team. We can do it, I know we can – as best friends and partners.

It may be true that nothing lasts forever, and sure, no one can predict whether we will make it through or not. But for right now and in this moment, you have added layers of colors into my life which I never knew existed. Having the chance to spend time with you is something I am eternally grateful for because you continue to work with me to sail this ship. As my best friend, you are the shoulder that I know I can always lean on and as my partner, you are the one I want beside me for life. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Cantika Rustandi

Storyteller by nature and oversharing details is my forte.

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