Ariana Grande And Pete Davidson’s Instagram Flirting Is Almost Too Much

Instagram / Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson can’t get enough of each other. Within the past month, the couple got engaged and allegedly moved in together, moving through the couple milestones at a mile per minute.

The couple hasn’t shied away from PDA irl or url, and it’s a LOT for fans. Addicting, almost. Everyone wants to know wtf is going on with this couple, who’s somehow both incredibly open and incredibly cryptic about their relationship. But when it comes to Instagram flirting, these two aren’t playing.

It started pretty subtly, with just one tiny little bee that created a ton of buzz:


This came pretty quickly after the rumors that the two had started seeing each other and basically solidified the fact that the two were together. But from there the two dove in deep, leaving each other flirty little messages for the whole world to see.


And while the messages may actually be pretty cute, they’re, like, disgustingly cute.


This just in: Ariana and Pete don’t give an eff if the world knows how into each other they are, because they are very, very In Love™ and very, very happy.


While some fans are obsessed with the couple (or, in my case, incredibly intrigued), others were put off by Ariana and Pete’s willingness to put so much of their relationship out there. When Ariana revealed she dedicated a song to Pete on her upcoming album, appropriately titled “Pete” (Question: How did she manage to write, record, and put that on her album in such a short timespan???), one fan criticized her for being too forthcoming about her relationship. But Grande wasn’t about to take any shit about her public displays of love and affection:

Ariana and Pete really aren’t here for the haters. They’re on cloud nine (could that explain all the cloud emojis in their posts???) and they’re not coming down anytime soon, thank you.

See you all in the comments section of Ariana’s next Insta, fellow lurkers. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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