’13 Reasons Why’s Creator Is Already Dropping Hints About Season 3

Clay (Dylan Minette) in 13 Reasons Why
Youtube / Legit Bugdet

The second season of 13 Reasons Why only dropped a few weeks ago, but creator Brian Yorkey is already ready to start thinking about what will come next for our young protagonists. In fact, he’s already started dropping hints about what we can expect season 3 to involve.

At a Netflix For Your Consideration event, Yorkey explained that while Hannah’s story has officially come to an end (actress Katherine Langford said she wouldn’t come back for another season), there are still other stories that needed to be told.

“Whether 13 Reasons Why goes forward on Netflix, or just in the minds of fans, what happened to Hannah will always be the first clause of the story,” Yorkey said. “The rest of the story is about young people, as so many young people, maybe all young people today (learn) how to heal from the things that have hurt them…to make the world that they want it to be, not just the world they are inheriting…and above all, how to take care of each other.”

Notice that Yorkey mentioned that he wasn’t sure whether or not Netflix would go forward with the show. That’s because the streaming site has yet to order another season, and it’s unclear if it will be, for multiple reasons. While it’s a wildly popular show, it’s also seen as incredibly problematic, with many people condemning the way the show deals with sensitive topics such as suicide, sexual assault, and mental health issues. Even some who weren’t upset by the first season took issue with certain plot points from the second. And at the end of the day, it was almost universally agreed that season two didn’t really hold a candle to the first one, perhaps because the show no longer had material from the young adult book its based off of to follow.

But whether or not we get another season of the teen drama, one thing is clear: this show sure has a lot to say, and even if we don’t get to watch it play out on screen, I’m sure fans already have a pretty clear idea of what’s next to come for our young heroes. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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