Here’s What Lili Reinhart Said About Rumors That She’s Pregnant With Cole Sprouse’s Baby

Lili Reinhart being interviewed by Vogue
Youtube / Vogue

People have been speculating about Riverdale star Lili Reinhart’s relationship with her costar (and onscreen beau) Cole Sprouse since season one, and now there’s a new rumor circulating about the pair: that Reinhart is pregnant and — surprise! — Sprouse is obviously the father.

It all started when Sprouse posted a photo of his probably-girlfriend that, according to some, looked like she was sporting a baby bump.

Surprisingly, Reinhart took the bait and decided to address the rumors head-on via Instagram stories.

Instagram / lilireinhart

It turns out, the photo is just “unflattering.”

Instagram / lilireinhart
Instagram / lilireinhart
Instagram / lilireinhart

You’ve gotta admit, it is pretty rude to think someone’s pregnant just because they’ve gained a little weight. You’d never go up to a random woman and ask if she’s pregnant, so why would people do it online to celebrities?

Reinhart’s Riverdale costar, Camila Mendes, also took to Instagram to back up her irl bestie and talk about how people should celebrate women’s bodies, not criticize them.

Instagram / camimendes

Believe it or not, bodies change, and not just because there’s a baby inside of them. To be fair, I don’t think anyone meant to insult Lili by speculating about a possible pregnancy, but still: think about the people on the other side of the rumors. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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