This Single Instagram Post By Rihanna Just Lost Snapchat $800 Million

Rihanna posing at the Grammy awards
Youtube / Inside Edition

Snapchat just isn’t doing well with celebrities these days. Just a month ago, Kylie Jenner made them lose over a billion dollars after she complained about the newest update on Twitter. Now Rihanna lost the company $800 million dollars after she called them out on Instagram yesterday, and honestly, it was well deserved.

It all happened after Rihanna noticed a pretty terrible ad making fun of her abusive relationship with her ex, singer Chris Brown. Well… here, just take a look at the ad yourself.

Twitter / @GNCordova

The whole thing is pretty tasteless, honestly, and Rihanna was furious, not necessarily because the ad was making fun of her but because of what it said about domestic violence victims. She took to Instagram Stories to confront the issue.

Twitter / @GNCordova

Soon after, Snapchat stocks began to plummet as people began pulling support from the company.

One day later, the stock is down 4%, losing Snapchat nearly $800 million. Snapchat’s PR team is busy trying to clean up this mess, though I’m not sure how well that’s going to go. The company sent this statement to CNN:

“We are investigating how that happened so that we can make sure it never happens again.

Yeah, okay, sure. We’ll see how that one goes. I have a feeling Snapchat has a long way to go before its back in these celebrities’ favors. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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