This Boy Surprised His Parents By Dressing As His ‘Favorite Hero’ For Halloween And It’s Making Everyone Emotional

Little boy dressed as his dad for Halloween and his little sister dressed up as batman
Imgur / BScribbs

My favorite early-November activity is looking through all the cool and creative costumes people wore on Halloween. While I’ve been thoroughly impressed by this year’s selections (seriously, y’all did amazing), nothing quite gets me right in the feels like this little boy’s costume.

According to Imgur User BScribbs, her son was having a lot of trouble picking out what he wanted to be for Halloween. After leaving two costume stores completely empty-handed, she finally asked her son to pick his FAVORITE hero.

He response? Without any hesitation, he yelled, “Dad!”

Yep, you guessed it. For Halloween, he got to be his favorite superhero: his father.

Imgur / BScribbs

Okay, that is officially the CUTEST thing.

According to BScribbs:

His dad works long hours and rarely gets a day off. He’s not a lawyer or a doctor, as I’m sure you all can tell already. He runs a kitchen in a restaurant and comes home greasy, stinky, and exhausted every night. He works really hard to take care of his family.

Imgur / BScribbs

She continued:

But he’s damn proud of his son, and it was obvious when my son rang every door bell and shouted “TRICK OR TREAT – I’M MY DAD!” to strangers all night that he’s really proud of his dad too.

Imgur / BScribbs

Someone please give this family an award. They’ve officially captured my heart, as well as the rest of the Internet’s, and I can only hope that someday, I have a kid that looks up to me like this one looks up to his dad. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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