This Girl Dressed Up As A ‘Ghost’ For Halloween By Taping These Sketchy Texts From Guys To Herself And She Deserves An Award

A girl and her "ghosted" outfit, using texts from guys who she never texted back
Twitter / @accio_avocado

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I’m honestly obsessed with clever Halloween costumes, and luckily the world is full of people looking for ~Internet fame~ by thinking up that perfectly SpOoKy outfit. Like this girl, who thought up the scariest costume of all: ghosts.

No, I’m not talking about the spooky spirits who rise from the dead and haunt your basement or whatever. I’m talking about something much scarier — you know, the person you’re super into who disappears without a trace.

So what did she do? She printed out sketchy texts from dudes and taped them to herself, duh.

Twitter / @accio_avocado

Honestly, I am in awe of this queen. Not only is she a possible irl ghost (the horror!), but she also managed to pull this idea off flawlessly. You won Halloween, girl. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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