DACA Is Officially Being Rescinded And Here’s Why People Are So Pissed

People hold up pro-immigration signs at a protest
Unsplash / Nitish Meena

Today, Jeff Sessions announced that DACA is “officially being rescinded“, dismantling what is arguably one of Obama’s most effective changes while in office.

For those of you who don’t know what the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is, it was a policy made to protect undocumented immigrants who arrived in the US as children, and therefore have spent most of their lives in the States. While it doesn’t grant them full immigration status, it does allow them to work toward it and protects them from being deported. However, Trump has made it clear that he intends to get rid of the policy completely, despite claiming DACA recipients “shouldn’t be very worried” early on in his presidency.


Though the announcement was met with mixed reactions, it’s unsurprising that a lot of people were pretty pissed off about it, calling it “cruel” and “inhumane”.



Many people hope congress will take political action to make DACA permanent and to stop mass deportation of DREAMers (the people who are protected by the act), making it harder for Trump and his administration to end the policy.

In fact, some states, such as New York, threatened to sue if DACA is officially ended.

Oh yeah, did we mention that the whole thing seems a little hypocritical?

At the end of the day, it’s important to realize that this isn’t just a hypothetical policy — it affects thousands of real people, many of whom never had a say in whether or not they moved to the U.S. and who have never known any other place as “home.”

As of now, it’s unclear exactly what will happen next.


Sessions called the policy “unconstitutional” and an “overreach of the executive branch.” Though Obama has vowed to stay silent on most political issues this year, many believe he will come out with a statement about DACA later today. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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