This Guy Tweeted About Being Haunted By A Creepy Child’s Ghost And It’s Actually Fucking Terrifying

Person walks into a dark, scary room
Unsplash / Aaron Mello

We all love a good ghost story, but what if the ghost story is happening to you? Suddenly, it’s a little less desireable.

Just ask Adam Ellis, a Twitter user who is ~pretty sure~ he’s being haunted by the ghost of a boy named David. He started a Twitter thread to prove his point, and I don’t know, it doesn’t seem so impossible.

It all began with a dream…

But it didn’t end there.

So when David came back in his dream, Adam decided to try it out.

OK, so maybe it was just a dream, but who wouldn’t be terrified? So Adam decided to do a little research, just in case.

But life went on.

And, oh god, this is the worst part.

Some seriously strange things have happened since then.

It’s actually pretty terrifying.

Good luck, Adam. I’m glad I’m not you tonight. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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