This 13-Year-Old Girl’s Savage Rejection Will Inspire You To Delete All The Fuckboys From Your Life

Screenshot of a snapchat conversation with a fuckboy
Twitter / @isa_hella_

If you’ve ever needed a hero to look up to, you may just have found one. She may only be 13 years old, but trust me, she’s everything I could ever hope to be.

Twitter user Isabella posted a conversation her younger sister had with a guy who was trying to “fuck wit” her, and her response was savage af.

I see you, girl. I see you.

Naturally, people were in awe of this young Queen.

Dating has changed these days, but if this girl is any indication of what the future looks like, we’re here for it.

We just need to know what happens next, OK????

Let’s all be like Isabella’s sister. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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