Twitter / @LizzyFenton

This Student Sent A PowerPoint To Her Crush Explaining Why He Should Date Her And It’s Hilariously Relatable

Want to up your dating game? Make a PowerPoint.


Have Tinder, OK Cupid and irl dating (lol) not been going well for you lately? Have no fear, there are still other ways to catch someone’s attention and maybe snag yourself a SO. You just have to get a little creative.

For instance, take this woman, who decided to send her crush a PowerPoint explaining exactly why he should date her. And honestly, it turned out beautifully.

Twitter / @LizzyFenton

She’s a woman of many talents, in case you were wondering.

Twitter / @LizzyFenton

She’s definitely worth the investment.

Twitter / @LizzyFenton

Honestly, she’s the ultimate catch.

Twitter / @LizzyFenton

Is this a girl crush I feel coming on? Yep — can confirm.

A lot of people were dying to know how it went for her. And while I’d like to say that she got the boy and is already on her way down the aisle, I would be lying.

What the hell, Carter? Don’t you realize what you’re letting go?!

But the good people of Twitter advised Lizzy to move on, because honestly, she can do much better — as in, someone who realizes how fucking awesome this girl actually is.

Some people were honestly just impressed with her communications skills.

Even Microsoft itself had something to say about it.

Sorry it didn’t work out with Carter, Lizzy, but it looks like you’ve got some new admirers now. Hopefully this time around someone else will be sending you the PowerPoint. Thought Catalog Logo Mark