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This Terrifying California Home Invasion News Story Reads Exactly Like A Horror Movie

Fourteen-year-old Savannah Jones was babysitting her four-year-old cousin Zoyee when she heard a knock on the door


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This girl just lived out every babysitter’s nightmares when a burglar broke into her home while she was watching her younger cousin.

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Fourteen-year-old Savannah Jones was babysitting her four-year-old cousin Zoyee when she heard a knock on the door. When she looked through the peephole, she saw a bald black man in a dark-colored sweatshirt and jeans that she didn’t recognize. After a moment, the door handle started moving.

Jones took her cousin to the master bathroom and locked themselves in. She hid Zoyee behind the toilet and immediately began texting her mother.

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The man broke down the door and ransacked the house. At one point, he entered the master bedroom where the girls were hiding, though he didn’t enter the adjoining bathroom where the girls were hiding.

Jones said she wasn’t worried about herself but her younger cousin. Luckily, the robber never seemed aware that they were in the house.

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By the time the authorities arrived, the girls were still OK and the man had already escaped. He has yet to be found. Thought Catalog Logo Mark