Unsplash / Oliur Rahman and Imgur / whatupcorgibutt

How This Guy Responded When His GF Didn’t Text Back Quick Enough Is Why He’s Now Her Ex

This girl decided to share her experiences with her now-ex boyfriend to prove that yes, guys can be just as crazy in relationships as women can be.


Unsplash / Oliur Rahman and Imgur / whatupcorgibutt

We’ve all heard at least one guy go off about his “crazy ex girlfriend,” but what about crazy ex boyfriends? Do they just not exist? Or do we just not talk about them?

Imgur user whatupcorgibutt (or Kate, as we’ll call her) decided to share her experiences with her now-ex boyfriend to prove that yes, guys can be just as crazy in relationships as women can be.

It all started around 1:30 a.m., when he sent her a selfie and then got upset when she didn’t comment on how “hot” he was.

Imgur / whatupcorgibutt
Imgur / whatupcorgibutt

After a few more messages without any reply, the boyfriend did the only think he could think to do: recommend she visit a mental hospital.

Imgur / whatupcorgibutt

Of course, even after what seemed like a final “Byee,” it wasn’t really over. It never really is, is it?

Imgur / whatupcorgibutt

Of course, Kate wasn’t really buying it. She wrote: “‘I don’t care about the other girls around me,’ bruh you admitted to me Sunday that you made out with another girl at a club.”

But alas, the ex didn’t really consider that and continued his barrage of messages.

Imgur / whatupcorgibutt

Woah. Whiplash.

Imgur / whatupcorgibutt
Imgur / whatupcorgibutt

And then, the final message:

Imgur / whatupcorgibutt
Imgur / whatupcorgibutt

Um. I’m going to need a minute to process this.

Kate claimed the entire conversation happened within an hour. She explained in the Imgur post that she hadn’t actually been ignoring him — her phone had died, but he had assumed the worst and blew up on her. Needless to say, she dumped him pretty quickly.

“The reason I’m posting this is because we often see guys post about their crazy exes, but you don’t see many crazy ex boyfriends,” she wrote, like the unintentional feminist queen that she is. All I can say is: yaaaaaassss.

This just goes to show that it doesn’t matter what your gender is — maybe we’re all just kind of psychotic when it comes to love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark