Caitlin Jill Anders

Remember To Take Your Own Advice

No, it’s not different. Listen to the advice you’re giving your friend. If she doesn’t take it, that’s fine. You came up with it though. You have no excuse. Take your own advice. 

Your 20s Are Supposed To Be Painful Sometimes

I don’t know if we think about it all that much because we’re too busy living, which is exactly right. We live through the craziness and the pain. That doesn’t change the fact that this time in our life can hurt though.

If We Were Different, Would You Love Me?

We can’t change people. They are what they are for a reason, and so are we. We have to stop trying to wish people into something that they’re not. If you were this way, you would love me, but I wouldn’t love you.

Not Everything Has To Mean Something

The world is beautiful and it just exists. It’s not here to be something other than exactly what it is. That’s the most beautiful thing about this life. It’s just here.