Brynn Taylor
Brynn is a 20-something-year-old girl who has more experience with love than she bargained for.
Articles by Brynn Taylor
Not All Happy Endings Have A Happy Beginning
Not all happy endings have a happy beginning, so don’t get harder just because it gets harder.
It’s Okay To Be Uncomfortable, It Means You’re Growing
There are two moments when I feel discomfort: when I’m doing something I’m NOT supposed to do, and when I’m doing something I AM supposed to do.
The Honest Reason Why We Sabotage Our Relationships
The weak will never beat the strong. Fear will never beat love.
Dear All Men, You’re Good At Relationships
I am here to point out that everybody, man or woman, has one thing in common: being good at relationships.
I Would Say ‘Nice Knowing You’ If You’d Ever Given Me The Chance
We have nothing left to do but say goodbye.
You Should Date The Girl Who Constantly Embarrasses Herself
It took me a while to realize this but being the perfect girl who never gets drunk, doesn’t sleep around, and needs every single person to validate everything she does is NOT what makes you dateable.
8 Signs Your Ego Is Inhibiting Your Ability To Love
Your emotional detachment from your own life is affecting how you treat other people.
To Me: Open On Mother’s Day 2019
You cry yourself to sleep weekly, wondering why you were not good enough for him.
Here’s Why I Am Choosing Me Over You
I’m choosing me.
A Thank You Letter To My Spirit Guides
I am grateful for the gifts you have given me, and for my ability to recognize them within myself. My intuition, empathy, and ability to heal others can feel like a curse sometimes, but I know they are blessings to help guide me through life.
An Open Letter To The Girl Who Tried To Break Him
What you saw as your harmless fun, was his toxic misery.
This Is How I Stopped Believing In Him, And Started Believing In You
Now that you are here, I don’t want to imagine a life without you and I know I don’t have to.
This Is What’s Holding Me Back From Loving You
I want to love you, but the endless toll of lost love is holding me back.
It’s Not Rocket Science, Just Love Me Like This
I want to be loved as my own one-person species, and independent of all other outside phenomena.
You’re Allowed To Be Petty
You’re allowed to be a bitch and then give a completely long, drawn out apology about how much of a bitch you were. You’re allowed to tell someone when they keep reminding you of your bitchy moment to shut up.
This Is How She Found A Real ‘Happily Ever After’
Once upon a time, there was a boy. Well, actually, there were several boys. But more importantly, once upon a time, there was a young woman.
I’m Confused, Do You Like Me?
You couldn’t possibly like me, because I haven’t cried into my pillow over you, or written a sad poem about how we never really got to know each other despite how much we lusted for one another.
This Is Why You’re Scaring Him Away
I’ll let you in on a little secret: it has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the people you are attracting.