Brynn Taylor

Brynn is a 20-something-year-old girl who has more experience with love than she bargained for.

Articles by Brynn Taylor

A Thank You Letter To My Spirit Guides

I am grateful for the gifts you have given me, and for my ability to recognize them within myself. My intuition, empathy, and ability to heal others can feel like a curse sometimes, but I know they are blessings to help guide me through life.

You’re Allowed To Be Petty

You’re allowed to be a bitch and then give a completely long, drawn out apology about how much of a bitch you were. You’re allowed to tell someone when they keep reminding you of your bitchy moment to shut up.

I’m Confused, Do You Like Me?

You couldn’t possibly like me, because I haven’t cried into my pillow over you, or written a sad poem about how we never really got to know each other despite how much we lusted for one another.