Brynn Taylor

Brynn is a 20-something-year-old girl who has more experience with love than she bargained for.
Articles by
Brynn Taylor
The Honest Reason Why We Sabotage Our Relationships
The weak will never beat the strong. Fear will never beat love.
A Love Letter To The Worst Person I’ve Ever Met
Ours is a love story for the ages.
The Sad Truth About Getting Over Someone You Never Even Had The Chance To Love
You will always be so charming and attractive to me, but all I can do is put you up on my shelf, out of reach, collecting dust, so you can be the spectacle that you want to be in this world, without being touched or influenced by my fantasies.
8 Things Outgoing Introverts Need In Order To Thrive
Outgoing Introverts can be the most open and fun people to be around, but they need certain things to help them thrive and recharge their batteries.
10 Reasons Why Dating A Scorpio Will Be the Best Decision You Ever Make
When dating a Scorpio, you should definitely be open to new and exciting things, because they will make you feel motivated just by simply standing next to them.
A Response To All The Guys Who Tell Me I’m ‘Cute’
At least I’m a cute bitch. I have that going for me.
8 Red Flags Your Boyfriend Is Micro-Manipulating You
Instead of second guessing what you are doing wrong in your relationship, you might want to make sure you are actually in the wrong first.
Here Are The Amazing Things That Happen When You Stop Worrying About Being ‘Enough’
Everyone in life has things that they are not proud of, but there is always time to build a life that we CAN be proud of, and the answer to that does not lie in the past or in the future.
17 Daily Struggles Only Outgoing Introverts Will Understand
You spend a lot of your time observing your surroundings. Whether you’re people watching, or closely listening in on conversations, you like to do so from a distance.
Why People Who Lack Emotional Intelligence Are The Worst (But It’s Not The End Of The World)
You can not control someone’s ability to understand you.
This Is How You Become ‘The One That Got Away’
I was always the one with the strong heart, who was designed to learn from my mistakes, and to grow into an even greater person. I was never looking for something to blame. I was always accepting responsibility.
The Real Reason Why We Struggle To Let Go Of Truly Toxic People
You will not be able to eat it away, drink it away, smoke it away, gamble it away, or even love it away, but you can do the only thing that will help you grow, and that is to walk away.
In 2017, Take Control Of Your Goddamn Life
The more you feed their insecurities, the harder it will be for them to grow and you will just be stopping yourself from growing with them.
Why Being An Outgoing Introvert Is So Much Harder Than People Realize
Don’t get me wrong, I love being the life of the party, but there’s only so much I can take before I yearn for the sanctity that is my bed, and I am perfectly content going there.
You Are Not Entitled To Love
People with a sense of entitlement believe they are deserving of this all-giving type of love.