This Bumble Convo About Modern Dating Is Heartbreakingly Accurate

When Valerie matched with this guy on Bumble, she probably wasn’t expecting that much. After all, dating apps are typically roulette wheels of disappointment, just hours of idle chatter broken up only by the occasional creepy dude.

But after saying “hey” something really cool happened between the two of them. They bonded over how much modern dating freaking sucks and they actually have a super…real conversation.

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“I wish I didn’t have to use this stupid phone to meet you,” the guy says before pointing out that we are all too engrossed in social media to have everyday conversations with random people out and about.

Valerie agrees 100%.

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They both agreed that modern dating sucks majorly, so they decided to break the rules. Everything seems so artificial these days, with people more concerned about how many Instagram likes they get than finding real connections with people. Random conversations with strangers is “creepy,” even while Facebook stalking is totally acceptable. It seems kinda backwards to me.

Maybe we all need to ditch the rules and give someone a chance? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Brittany Cox

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