This 6 Line Text Convo Proves That Chivalry Isn’t Dead In Modern Romance

I'm Priscilla
I’m Priscilla

Okay, actually it proves the exact opposite (sort of).

Imgur user  uploaded this screenshot of a text conversation she just had with her boyfriend.

In a super sentimental moment, she asked him: “What did I do to deserve you?”

But his reply was less sappy:

via Imgur
via Imgur

She titled her Imgur post, “Chivalry isn’t dead guys” just to be hilariously ironic.

One commenter, who had been married for 10 years, encouraged people not to doubt the existence or chivalry — or the ability of a great blowjob to get a romance going:

It’s not dead at all and unexpected good head on the first date can def be a good thing. Worked for my wife and I, it’s been 10yrs =P

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