16 Men Tell The Stories Of Why They Turned Down Sex From Horny Girls Ready To Bang

Jenny Woods
Jenny Woods

Stories originally posted on Reddit


She was my former wife’s little sister, and very much underage. We were visiting the in laws and she made it very obvious to me what she wanted the second day there. I stuck to my ex’s side like a guide dog the rest of the week.

— H33B619


We were both drunk but she was REALLY drunk.

— RIPmurphy


I was driving the girl who devirginized me home years after the fact. She was a little drunk and said “Ya know, I just love suckin’ dick.” I was caught really off guard so all I could say was “Well, it’s great to have a hobby.”

— PalmBeacham


She was my best friend’s very recent ex.

I wanted to do it so badly as I’d had pretty strong feelings for her a long time but i just knew I’d hate myself for it so i turned her down.

— jakman556


I thought I had a small dick because I was 16 and thought a porn dick was average size. Didn’t want her to tell people I had a small dick.

— NiceAndSoftNonErect


It wasn’t unexpected, but I turned her down because I knew she desperately wanted to become pregnant, and her one condition was that I couldn’t wear a condom.

No thanks.

— Cuchullion


They rolled their window down and asked if I wanted to come to their place and have a threesome. They were both cute, but alarm bells went off in my head, so I declined.

— mikeoquinn


I got a pm from a guy who bought me gold asking if I wanted gay sex. I am not gay and he lives on the other coast

— Psudodragon


When she was an underage, special needs student where I teach, the answer is an automatic, “No”.

— Psudodragon


I was trying not to cheat on my girlfriend. After turning her down, I also discovered that she was 15.

— TheSump


Two girls at a bar I used to frequent came in and sat next to me one night, both were nice but really nervous. We got to talking, had some drinks, etc., and the blonde asked if I smoke. Sure, let’s smoke. We’re hanging out in her car and all of a sudden the blonde girl turns on some Britney Spears and keeps repeating it at full volume, then tells her brunette friend in the back seat to kiss her.

Right as blonde turns around I see her friend in the mirror about to cry. The blonde girl grabs her friend’s hair and forcibly kisses her, then starts clumsily grabbing at my crotch right when I realize the song is about a threesome. So I am a little buzzed and pretty high, with a headache from the song repeating, and try to shift myself away from the blonde. If several circumstances were different I might have gone home with them but the brunette was very clearly upset and the atmosphere was way creepy.

I say something about having to get up early for work and realize that I am locked in and the brunette is just staring at me with a distressed look and holding back tears. I told the blonde to let us out and the brunette immediately asked me to give her a ride home. Blonde got very mad, sped off, and maybe 20 minutes later while driving her friend home we saw her in cuffs violently scream-sobbing and going limp while a cop was trying to keep her from falling. The brunette told me her friend is a severe manic depressive who probably also did some coke on her way home, thanked me for the ride, then gave me her number. We had brunch the next week. It was nice.

— IExpectAKill


I had just watched her do a line of coke after walking out of the bathroom with some other guy.

— VVillyD


I turned down my one and only threesome offer I’ve ever had with two girls I’d known for two weeks. They were both hot but I was more into one of them and didn’t want to fuck that up or make things awkward.

No regrets though as I ended up marrying her and we’ve been together now for 11 years.

Still wonder what might have happened though…

— TheBeardfather


She took off her underwear and the smell filled the room. Like sewage and cat food with a bit of dead fish…. I was so bummed.

— bungholelovah


Met a Scandinavian girl in Chicago who was really into my blonde hair and blue eyes, but then she started talking about the importance of maintaining racial purity as we were undressing each other…

— robbywestside


She offered a blowjob for a ride to the metro. It was less than a mile away, but I was late to practice and didn’t have time.

— asewesley Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Brittany Cox

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