Brianne McDonald
I feel a bit too old for this, but here we are. – A Memoir by Me
20 Things That Prove You’re Selling Out Into Adulthood
2. You find yourself bragging about things like ‘fuel efficiency’ and ‘safety’ when discussing your choice of a new car. Bonus points if it’s a Subaru with a ski-rack.
20 Things People Who Have Climbed From Rock Bottom Will Understand
The moment you hit rock bottom is the moment you discover who you truly are, and it’s when you’re given the best opportunity to make the greatest change.
10 Simple Ways To Show Your Significant Other You Care
When people first start dating, they tend to bring out the big guns. Think Javelin rocket launcher.
10 Weird Things I Hope Other People Also Do
1. Have full conversations with my pets
26 Things I Don’t Care About At 26
I got a year older, and in typical Millennial fashion, it was a time of deep, meaningful reflection – written in the ever popular and highly polished fashion of the recently invented ‘listicle.’
On Learning How To Accept Help, And Welcome Happiness
No one ever tells us how hard it can be to accept help from others, or how rewarding it can be when you finally let go of your pride.
It’s Time We Stop Attacking Motherhood
There is nothing objectively special or new about motherhood, about giving birth, but there is something profound and priceless in a true and good parent.
5 Ways To Be Awesomely Single
3. Learn to be comfortable and actually enjoy doing things on your own.
20 Things I’ve Learned About Being A Grown Up
13. Being an adult is about personal responsibility. Children say ‘Well, I did this because she made me!’ Adults say, ‘I could have personally handled that better.’
10 Types Of Dads That Suck
Buck up gentlemen, some of you might seriously suck.
6 Sex Related Things That Only Work In Movies
I think we all pretty much understand that Hollywood embellishes and outright lies about a lot of things. Sex is no exception (it might even be the rule).
The Kind of Person I Want To Be
I didn’t cave into what society told me I ‘deserved,’ because I’d finally come to understand that I deserved whatever the hell I earned, and that just because I fell down, didn’t mean that I couldn’t get back up.
10 Things That Are More Fun Than Doing Research For My Book
2. Looking at every single picture of John Snow tumblr has to offer.
20 Things You Shouldn’t Do In Life
Don’t allow anyone else to define what success means for you. Not everyone is interested in starting their own company or working for some powerful corporation. Success is what you make it and you should never let anyone else diminish that.
5 Things I Miss About Being Single (And Why They Were Worth Giving Up)
When people come over I no longer have to shove everything in my house in my bedroom and close the door, which is a plus.
Let’s Get Out of Here, Just You And Me
Let’s get out of here, just you and me. I don’t need the promise of tomorrow and yesterday tastes bitter in my mouth.
23 Apologies I Owe My Daughter
3. I’m sorry I let your fish die over the summer and replaced it with another fish the day before you came home. You were right, Jake totally did have another stripe.
Stop Feeling That You Deserve Better
People and relationships are not prizes at the end of the game; they are not your trophy for your perception of a well-lived life.