H Collective
Kayla Mendez

8 Inconvenient Truths That Will Change How You See Things

There are few things that come without pros and cons, things you lose while you gain, and choices that leave other avenues unexplored.


1. When it comes to relationships, things often aren’t as complicated as we wish they would be. If someone wants to make time for you, they will. If someone wants to be with you, they will be. In many cases, it’s a simple matter of they just aren’t into you and they’re trying to communicate that to you without having to be harsh. Take the hint before you have to hear some sobering words.

2. We have a propensity to expound upon small, insignificant, often easily resolvable things in an effort to give our lives meaning or portray meaning to others.

3. Believing that your life will be a seamless unfolding of blessings and joy is delusional and leaves you crippled when you find that not to be the case. Sometimes horrible things will happen to good people, and we can try to justify or explain them as much as we want, but at the end of the day, they will usually remain mysteries.

4. Nobody else is responsible for making sure you are happy. It’s wonderful if there are people in your life who care enough to try, but at the end of the day, everything and everyone around us is fleeting and impermanent. Build yourself on the foundation of another, and you’ll crash when they decide to leave.

5. Most of us do not have the ability to “just know” and to be completely certain about major decisions in our lives. Along those same lines, there are few things that come without pros and cons, things you lose while you gain, and choices that leave other avenues unexplored.

6. Your “good intentions” rarely matter: the road to Hell is paved with them. You will find, if you haven’t already, that meaning well is not enough when it did not yield the same results. Very generally speaking: if you hurt someone, they are not going to care if you meant to or not while they are bandaging their wounds. I mean that metaphorically, but sometimes also literally.

7. Excuses are only comforting to you. People can usually see through excuses and they know when you aren’t being genuine. You are the only person you are fooling into thinking you’re not still responsible.

8. The universe will not give to you, but it will react to what you do. You cannot simply sit back and wait for glorious and beautiful things to come upon you. You have to go out and initiate them. Wishing and wanting and hoping won’t get you farther than just having an idea of what you’d like. A goal without a plan that is being enacted is just another wish. Thought Catalog Logo Mark