22 Reasons You Should Always Keep Your Forever Friends Close

22 Reasons You Should Always Keep Your Forever Friends Close
Priscilla Du Preez

In my 22 years of life so far, I can tell you that shit will get real. Shit will happen to your closest friends and it will definitely scare you. You will wonder if it is really possible for life to get this bad.

You will sit there in the midst of your storm and their storm, with tears welled in your eyes, wondering how on earth you are going to get past this mess that is your life right now.

But I will tell you that in the midst of incredibly hard times and crippling moments, you do realize who your true friends are. You realize who will accept you even when you deem yourself as unacceptable. You realize that the very people you put on a pedestal have gone through similar circumstances that you have, and that no one is at perfect as they may seem.

I can tell you right now, life is unpredictable and bad things to indeed happen to people who don’t deserve it. But you will find support through this all and the people that matter in your life will stick around and be there for you.

Here are 22 reasons to keep these friends:

  1. They will listen to your problems over and over again because they are that determined to see you succeed
  2. They won’t see your setback as a competition to them, but will genuinely want you to move forward in life
  3. They won’t judge you for your circumstances
  4.  They will remind you over and over again of your progress and how much you are loved
  5. They won’t get tired of you needing reassurance
  6. They will work around their schedules just to find time for you
  7. They will see you down and out, full face of tears with snot running down your nose, and will still see you as the friend you are
  8. They will do what it takes to ensure you are on the right path
  9. They will encourage you out of the blue
  10. They will remind you of the important things in life
  11. They will reach out to you, even if you’ve reached out a million times already
  12. They will offer to help in any way they can
  13.  They will pray with you, and for you
  14. They won’t berate you for your flawed moments, but will love you anyway
  15. They will encourage you to keep going, even if you are tired
  16. They will do what is necessary for you to be well and healthy
  17. They will remind you that they have their issues as well
  18. They won’t drop you as a friend based on your circumstances
  19. They will stick with you through it all, no matter how long it takes
  20. They will lift you up constantly
  21. They will give you honest and serious talks that will allow you to take a good look at who you really are
  22. They will bring out the YOU in you Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Bria Barrows

God first. Friend. Encourager.

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