Brandon Scott Gorrell
I am the co-publisher of Thought Catalog. Follow me on Twitter. I also use a pen name called Holden Desalles.
10 Hilarious Responses Guys Gave After Asking To Describe The First Time They Saw A Vagina In Real Life
‘Act like you’ve been here before’
DIY Fake Boob Tutorial Has Dudes Seriously Doubting Public Cleavage (NSFW PICTURES)
Not all cleavage is created equal.
12 Huge Things Overly Considerate People Do Every Day That Literally No One Will Ever Thank Us For
We will pay for food we didn’t order and thank the server for terrible service.
18 Lessons We Can All Learn From Having Normal Sex (As Told By Anonymous Strangers On The Internet)
Just because he acts like a huge dick doesn’t mean he has one.
10 Surprising & Weird Things That Have Been Scientifically Proven To Affect Your Sex Life
How many people you’ve had sex with in the past twelve months.
Live Updates: Images Of What The Monster Storm Descending On California Is Doing To The Bay Area Right Now
“Bring your swimwear if driving 280, this morning.”
13 Things Overexplainers Struggle With On A Daily Basis
You are EXTREMELY SENSITIVE to people getting bored with what you’re saying.
81 Hmmmmmms
“I hated discussing ideas with investors,” he said, “because then I become a Defender of the Idea, and that influences your thought processes.”
Bill Maher About To Get Harvested
Maher has a history of pissing off both liberals and conservatives for using sexist slurs. We’ll see how he weathers this round.
Conor Oberst Responds To Recanter Of Rape Accusation
I have accepted Joanie Faircloth’s apology and retraction to clear my name.
The Very Disturbing Images Of The Thing This Man Did To Feel Less Lonely Will Haunt Your Dreams
I’m not sure why anyone would do this and share pictures of it with anyone else.
25 Quick Jokes That’ll Get You A Laugh The Next Time You Go Out With Your Friends
An Irishman Walks Out Of A Bar.
The Crazy Thing That Happened When I Held My Pee In Too Long At An Office Meeting
There is a subreddit called r/TIFU. I will let you find out what it stands for through your own research. But it is full of laughs. This r/TIFU post by reddit user Brevnol is especially hilarious, and highlights the dangerous risks one takes when holding their pee in for a very long time.
Guess Which Country Has Faked The Most Injuries In The 2014 World Cup So Far?
LAST WEEK the Wall Street Journal conducted a very serious study that analyzed which teams engaged in the worst of the 2014 World Cup’s most notorious, annoying, time-honored elements — faking like you’ve been permanently disfigured and need an ambulance to cart you off the pitch.
21 WTF Spoilers From The Game Of Thrones Books That Haven’t Happened In The Show Yet
It’s really insane. Lots of people die.
Is This Really How Asian Dads Drive Their Cars?
Is the video below really how Asian dads drive, or just all old, eccentric men?
14 People From Different Nations Describe What Their Country’s Version Of A “Redneck” Is (With Pics)
“Redneck,” “hick,” and “hillbilly” can all describe different types of people, and are certainly stereotypes that can not accurately portray any one individual. These terms can also be derogatory, while some self-identifying “rednecks” and etc.
This Guy’s Explanation Of Why Most American Comedy Movies Are Terrible Will Change The Way You See Them Forever
Here Vimeo user Tony Zhou breaks down what he says are the hallmarks of good comedy movies and bad comedy movies.