The One Psychological Trick That’s Fooled Everyone On Tumblr Into Seeing “Faces” And “Lizards” In NASA Mars Photos
Are these images of people and animals on Mars? Time and time again, frustrated experts have responded that they are just rocks. But the belief persists.
This “face” on Mars was photographed by NASA’s Viking 1 Orbiter in 1976. Alien-enthusiasts speculate that it is evidence of an ancient alien civilization on Mars.
But despite being near-universally accepted that it is an optical illusion, a LOT of people still cite the “face” as evidence of a conspiracy by NASA to cover up an ancient Martian civilization. For example, this Tumblr post from last Saturday about the “face” — and other Martian rocks that look like things on Earth — has over 50,000 notes.
The Tumblr post not only argues that there’s ‘something up’ with the “face,” but also shows a number of other curious looking formations that NASA has captured. There’s this thing, that looks an awfully lot like a lizard.
And there’s this “frozen woman,” that looks like a very tiny woman falling backward.
And this “thigh bone.”