A Checklist For People In A Relationship
Compare your significant other to someone new and feel relieved. Compare your significant other to someone new and feel regret. Have a terrible night out that convinces you there's no way this can go on. Have a three month-long period of bliss and earnestly begin to believe that you could actually spend the rest of…
- Compare your partner to someone new and feel relieved
- Compare your partner to someone new and feel regret
- Have a terrible night that convinces you there’s no way this can go on
- Have a three month-long period of bliss and earnestly begin to believe that you could actually spend the rest of your life with this person
- Give in to the silliness of holidays; during them, realize nothing’s permanent and so cling to your partner
- Spend the night drinking and talking; never leave the apartment and wake up in the morning to the warmth of the person you want
- Do things to actively ignore your partner when they need you; feel indifferent or at a loss or just tired of dealing with it
- Find yourself suddenly completely at odds with your partner and feel an almost unbearable desire to be almost anywhere but in the same room as them
- Realize you’ve become dependent
- Say all the things to your partner you had so needed to tell someone when you were single and alone; feel extremely lucky you have this privilege
- Feel angsty and doomed when you experience minor twinges of desire for other people
- Secretly feel ashamed when you give relationship advice – your relationship may or may not be falling apart and you have no clue what to do anymore
- Nod your head enthusiastically when your parents ask you how your relationship is going; smile and say “Everything is great”
- Hold your partner all night because you can
- Feel high after excellent, fulfilling, meaningful sex that you know will happen again, and again, and again
- Wonder if this is actually going to work, despite pervasive feelings of mediocrity, boredom, alienation, regret, and dissatisfaction
- Stay in on the weekends because you don’t need the dating scene anymore; this feels excellent and relieving
- Don’t know if your partner’s right for you – don’t know what “right” means, only know that you care deeply for this person
- Get drunk and accidentally make eyes at other people
- Discover one day that your relationship will do for now, that everything is okay right now; let this make you smile
image – Alan Cleaver