WTF, NYC? Racist Man on Subway Flips Out, Gets Naked, and Attacks Passersby
Last week I wrote about why I wouldn't want to live in NYC, and if I had seen this video, I may have included "crazy naked subway racists on PCP and cops who don't do shit while they attack random passersby." I'm assuming the policeman held off on doing anything until after the enraged guy…
Last week I wrote about why I wouldn’t want to live in NYC, and if I had seen this video, I may have included “crazy naked subway racists on PCP and cops who don’t do shit while they attack random passersby.” I’m assuming the policeman held off on doing anything until after the enraged guy attacked two or three people because he didn’t have back up? A sticky situation to be in, but where was his nightstick? Or his taser? Or pepper spray? I’m confused? (Sorry for the sideways view.)