Bogart Lee

I eat. I sleep. I write. I pray. I love.

Articles by
Bogart Lee

This Is How I Remember Loving You

I remember the first time we hugged, your first stolen kiss on my left cheek, the first time we held hands and your sweaty palms.

Love Someone Who’s Worth The Pain

Please remember that everyone is worth loving but only some are worth the kind of pain that makes all your countless effort to love worth it.

This Is What I Mean When I Say, ‘I Love You.’

I love you means I choose to love you, all of you. You don’t have to hide your weirdness, cracks, imperfections that make you who you are. I won’t tolerate your annoying habits and quirky flaws because I like them, I will honor them.

9 Ways To Love A Mood Swinger

Take note of the following ways I’ve learned to love someone whose moods swing from the North Pole to the South Pole in just minutes.