Bobby Viner

Articles by
Bobby Viner

30 Relationship Red Flags That Most People Ignore

One of the red flags I totally ignored in a past relationship is that I didn’t really like any of her friends. If you don’t like the people your SO chooses to hang out with, you probably should reevaluate things.

18 Extremely Awkward Teen Sex Stories

Everyone remembers high school and the teen years as a hormonally insane period of life. Anxiety and interest regarding the opposite gender (or same gender, as the case may be) was astronomical, and confusing.

20 People On What Embarrasses Them Most About Their Country

USA. The corruption, the double speak, the written law and hidden dictated law, the complete lack of democracy, the ability for corporate power to abuse individuals almost endlessly in the name of profit, the scam that is healthcare here…

The 21 Best Documentaries Ever

These 21 documentaries cover everything from homeless tunnel dwellers to dolphin hunters to cocaine cowboys, and they’re all awesome!