Benjamin Hardy

I’m the author of How to Consciously Design Your Ideal Future, a book about radically adjusting your perspective of yourself and life.

The Secret To Happiness Is 10 Specific Behaviors

Rather than being reactive to what’s going on around us, happy people take control of their lives and emotions. If you are unhappy with your life, who or what else can you blame than yourself?

Anything Is Possible If You Pay The Price

But you need to be uncomfortable enough with your current situation to stop consuming and wasting your time. To focus on learning and creating rather than being entertained and distracted.

If It Doesn’t Suck, It’s Not Worth Doing

It’s easy to tell people about your ambitions. It’s easy to create vision boards and write down your goals. It’s easy to stand in front of a mirror and declare affirmations. And that’s where most people stop.

Why Most People Will Never Be Successful

The more successful you become, the less you can justify low quality. The more focused you must become. The more consistently your daily behaviors must be high quality — and increasingly higher quality.